Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The flu season is here!

Okay! I finally gave in to the peer pressure from my wife and daughter to get blogged, twittered, face-booked and who knows what else? They say I have finally arrived!
I guess I will have to discover the, "To Where?" question over time. In the meantime I am glad to be here. :)

The Flu

Do the fear mongers have a legitimate story this season or is it more big business for the vaccination industry this flu season? I don't know............All I know is that I have chosen not to get a flu shot for my myself or my family for a few hopefully good reasons:

1. It is unlikely the flu shot is going to keep up with the latest strains or mutations of any given virus. I have also seen just as many people getting the flu shot getting sick as those who have not had the flu shot.

2. I really do not like getting mercury (Thimerosol) injected into my blood stream; especially not into my kids bloodstream. Yes, the reality is that mercury was finally removed from the common childhood vaccinations but is still in wide use in the flu shot. Unfortunately the vaccination companies have somehow decided that aluminum is the best substitute for mercury in the common childhood vaccinations but that is for another discussion some other time....

3. Third and most important-I have been using several natural herbal/vitamin products over the years that I believe have kept our immune systems healthy. Even if we do get sick with the cold or flu our recovery time has been nothing but spectacular. For a more complete discussion on cold and flu prevention/treatment go to and click on quarterly newsletters.

I am determined to change the health care system in America by changing the health of one person at a time.... I hope you are one of them!

God Bless,

Dr. Dyler

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